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CBD and the Endocannabinoid System / The Science behind the Benefits

You've all seen or heard of CBD by now, but what is it? How does it work? Who is it for? How do we know what product to take?!

CBD, or cannabidiol, is derived from the Cannabis Sativa Plant which throughout history has had a huge role in our health and lives. Yes, of course THC, the part that gives you the 'high', is also derived from the same plant BUT quality CBD products limit the THC content to below 0.3% (spoiler alert - the product we recommend has 0.0%!) This is a huge point to think about because the greatest overall health benefits come mainly from the CBD component anyways!

According to the National Institutes of Health, it was declared in 2013 that “modulating EndoCannabinoid System (ECS) activity may have therapeutic potential in almost all diseases affecting humans.” CBD products have over 65 molecular targets within our system to modulate our EndoCannabinoid System to assist in balance, or homeostasis, to effect our overall health. In turn, this helps us sleep better, decrease pain, mitigate our stress, balance our anxiety, and so many other system-wide effects to help us live better lives.

As we see the effects above - it is quite possible that CBD can be for everyone! There are certainly a few niche demographics that we want to use caution with dosage while using the products, or consult a medical provider prior to starting use - but 99% of people would benefit from using CBD as a part of their daily supplements to overall health.

The FDA conducted a sampling study of the current CBD marketplace to determine the extent to which products are mislabeled. They found that nearly half of the CBD products tested contained THC and most of the products tested did not contain the levels of cannabinoid compounds proposed on their labels. Knowing EXACTLY what you're consuming is paramount.

Here at Minnesota Movement - our absolute favorite company and product is FRINGE CBD.
Fringe was started by a group of Medical Providers and with that background, they place a huge emphasis on education of their product AND the utmost quality of their product. This is not your 'oh I saw some CBD at the gas station that said it was the highest quality' kind of thing. Fringe actually has one of the best products on the market. As eluded to earlier - Fringe CBD has ZERO THC components. With that, you know you're only getting the best CBD possible. Oh, and the best part about their mainstay products? They're water-soluble, tasteless powders! This means you can mix it into your smoothie, your coffee, or simply into a glass of water any time of day!