How Chiropractic Care can Help IT Band Syndrome

Issues with the iliotibial band respond very well to chiropractic care and techniques used at Minnesota Movement because it is closely related to pelvic positioning as well as surrounding musculature of the hip and thigh. When pelvic mechanics are not functioning properly the muscle don’t work as efficiently which hinders flexibility and mobility. This can lead to over-used muscles which may inhibit motion and thus cause pain due to compensation.

What is IT Band Syndrome?

As the iliotibial band thickens it pulls in the area where it connects to the knee. This results in knee pain due to the application of too much pressure on the bursa. The bursa then becomes swollen, inflamed, and painful. During activity, such as running on an incline, the glutes are heavily involved.

The other end of the iliotibial band is inserted at the glutes so as the band tightens from this activity, it can trigger iliotibial band syndrome pain. Repeated activity further aggravates it, as does running on tight indoor tracks or uneven roads as well as having collapsed arches or running it inferior or worn out running shoes.

The IT Band is a thick, tendonous sheath that starts at your hip and runs along the side of your thigh down to just below your knee. It commonly comes under scrutiny in all sorts of athletes as it can become inflamed and cause pain with walking, running, and even standing.

How does Chiropractic Care Help with IT Band Pain?

Here at Minnesota Movement, we will assess why your IT band started compensating in the first place and focus our care on that as we mitigate and alleviate the pain associated with it.

Treatment Strategies for IT Band Syndrome:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments to the pelvis, hip, and knee

  • Manual Muscle Therapy

  • Active Release Technique

  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM)

  • Corrective Exercises focusing on activating muscles that led to compensation patterns

  • Kinesiology tape with RockTape

  • Running and Gait Assessment followed by in-house gait training