Excelsior and Minnetonka Chiropractor | Chiropractic Care & Sports Medicine

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"nEW pAtiEnT SpeCiaL" / Quality Care > Marketing Gimmicks


Guess what?! It's your lucky day becuase we're giving away this special to everyone.
For the rest of time. Always. Zero expiration date.
Doesn't matter if you're a new patient or an existing patient.

What I'm getting at here is that you deserve top notch service without feeling incentivized or enticed into it.
No sales gimmicks getting you through their door are going to help you feel and move better unless YOU want to feel and move better.

You probably already know this, but we believe in delivering the best possible interventions with evidence backed therapies in order to get you moving from pain to performance. Restoring and improving your qualities of movement so that you can go out and live the life you want to live.

..and we think that's pretty special.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “If you pay, you pay attention?” No? Well you’ve had to have heard of “you get what you pay for” then right?

I just bought a knock off Athlemon shirt from Amazon for $16 vs the Lululemon shirt I could have bought for $60. And guess what?! The quality is definitely 3.75x less. Which means it won’t last as long in the closet and therefore I’ll have to keep buying new ones more often.

Kind of like going to a provider who only sees you for 5 minutes and does the bare minimum for treatment. Sure it works for the short term, but you’ll probably have to go back 3x per week for a month. And let’s not forget about the hefty ‘pre-paid package/plan’ for something ridiculous like $2-3k as well.

Now what if we stepped up the quality of care? Instead, let’s see a provider for 30/40/60 minutes once a week or twice a month. Sure, it’s going to be more expensive PER SESSION. But over time you’re going to spend even less. Furthermore, you’re going to get more tailored treatment and answers to your specific symptom or issue too.

Notice how I didn’t say that either of these providers were smarter or better than the other. It’s just a different approach!

Both providers and systems get people better - but what happens when one system or approach doesn’t work for you? That’s when you seek a different style. And that’s what we’re here for.

To build a therapeutic relationship. To fully understand YOU and not just what you’re feeling, but why you’re feeling that way. To not only alleviate your pain, but bring you back to your utmost performance too.