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Protocols vs. Concepts / When to follow the recipe

We all have that one dish that our mom or grandmother has made for years, right? Yet they rarely follow the recipe and yet it always turns out the same - delicious. How does that happen?!

Well, it’s because they understand that the concepts often outweigh the protocols.

The same goes with rehab and treatment. Protocol based care only gets us so far.

What do we do when someone is progressing faster than expected?
What about when someone isn’t progressing fast enough?
Or what do we do when that person is actually falling behind instead of progressing at all?!

With cooking, sometimes the apples we’re trying to use for “Mom’s famous Apple Crisp"“ are too ripe. Then we decrease the cooking time. What if they’re not ripe enough? Then we’re going to have to increase the cooking time - and maybe even at a lower temperature. (Bet you didn’t think I knew how to cook, did ya?!)

What I’m trying to get at is that we need to understand more than what the text books and research tell us. A good provider follows the recipe as written in the book. A great provider takes the information gleaned from these resources, combine it with their experience and context of the patient in front of them, and make the best decision possible on how to proceed.

That’s where we strive here at Minnesota Movement. We pride ourselves on thinking not necessarily outside the box - but rather expanding and pushing has hard as we can to the edges of the box. Truly fighting for every possible percentage in order to get you moving and feeling your best.

Your case isn't 'too complex.' You're not 'too far gone.' You deserve someone who's going to listen and look deeper into what you're experiencing.

Your [fill in the body part here] pain is different than your best friend's neighbor's sister's pain or situation. Even when the diagnosis for both people is the exact same - how we approach the treatment can be drastically different.

So, if you think your situation isn’t progressing according to the recipe, let us know. We’d love to have the opportunity to help you!