Posts tagged best chiropractor
Protocols vs. Concepts / When to follow the recipe

We all have that one dish that our mom or grandmother has made for years, right? Yet they rarely follow the recipe and yet it always turns out the same - delicious. How does that happen?!

Well, it’s because they understand that the concepts often outweigh the protocols.

The same goes with rehab and treatment. Protocol based care only gets us so far.

What do we do when someone is progressing faster than expected?
What about when someone isn’t progressing fast enough?
Or what do we do when that person is actually falling behind instead of progressing at all?!

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SHUT. YOUR. MOUTH! / Nasal Breathing

While at rest (parasympathetic nervous system drive) we should be mostly nasal breathing. Merely by breathing through our nose, we stimulate more diaphragmatic inhales and exhales. Our Parasympathetic Nervous System is known as the ‘rest and digest’ system whereas our Sympathetic Nervous System is responsible for the ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ response.

Now, which one of those systems do you think we should be tapping into most throughout the day?

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Mobility Vs Flexibility- A Never-Ending Battle Within Our Joints

Mobility is the ability of a joint to travel in its full range of motion (ROM) without any constraints or pains. It is all about how well you can control your joint through the necessary ROMs. Having good mobility is important to maintain pain-free, unimpeded, fluid, and independent movement.

Flexibility, on the other hand, is the ability of a muscle to fully lengthen. We have talked about different types of flexibility before and ways to increase your muscle’s length. It is important to have good flexibility in order to unlock the full ROM a joint complex has and utilize it to generate explosiveness by full muscle contraction.

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We Are ALL Athletes!

What is an athlete? This may be an easy question for some people to answer. It could mean somebody who plays sports. It could be someone who excels at a certain sport or is great at multiple different sports. For me, it is a bit of a loaded question. I personally define an athlete as a person who has risen to the top of their respective field. And that field could be their sport, profession, or hobby.

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HalloWEEK in Beautiful Excelsior Minnesota!

With fall apparently already in our rear-view mirror and winter already upon us, it’s an important reminder to stay active even as the colder weather hits us. A few quick ideas to keep moving are..

  1. Set a timer on your phone to get up every hour and do 5-10 squats or lunges. You’d be surprised how many this will add up to every day for a week!

  2. While the coffee is brewing in the morning, take a few minutes to breathe through your diaphragm and deep core consciously.

  3. It’s still nice enough for a walk! Even if that means in your living room. Get up and walk/march/skip - it’s a fun activity to include the kids too!

  4. If you have to shovel that beloved snow.. remember to take mini breaks and make it a fun workout. Try to work as hard as you can for 1 minute and then take 2 minutes off as ‘rest.’ Rinse and repeat for time!

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Are Chiropractors Real Doctors?! // Frequently Asked Questions

“Are you a real doctor?” It’s a question we see ALL THE TIME. And honestly, it doesn’t offend us! Rather, it shows us how much (or little) the world really knows about who chiropractors are and what we can do!

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