Posts tagged rocktape
Hip Pain keeping you from playing/living/moving?!

Ever pulled your groin so badly it hurt to walk? Have hip tightness that makes it difficult to do the things you love?

Adductor strains occur mainly due to cutting and pivoting movements in sports like hockey and football. Many people think that the strain or pull comes from lacking flexibility, but it is heavily due to the opposite! Strength (or lack thereof) is often the issue!

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Awkward First Dates are the Worst..

Our Complimentary Consultation is a 'first date' of sorts where we get to learn more about each individual story and can help answer any questions to see if this relationship would be a good fit or not! No strings attached.

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Are Chiropractors Real Doctors?! // Frequently Asked Questions

“Are you a real doctor?” It’s a question we see ALL THE TIME. And honestly, it doesn’t offend us! Rather, it shows us how much (or little) the world really knows about who chiropractors are and what we can do!

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What Moves You? // What is Minnesota Movement? What do we do?

We firmly believe, and it has been shown through research, that movement can be a form of medicine, that’s why the word is part of our company name.

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Gravity / What is Degenerative Disc Disease? What can a chiropractor do about it?

It’s like death and taxes, inevitable facts of life that we can’t avoid.
Research shows that 71% of men and 77% of women <50 years old have Degenerative Disc Disease. Those numbers jump to over 90% for both sexes over the age of 50.
Furthermore; MRI studies have shown that for healthy individuals who don’t have a single symptom of disc issues can indeed have disc bulges, herniations, and decreased disc height. Meaning that these findings are purely incidental and don’t always warrant an immediate intervention.

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Dumbest Joint in the Body

The knee has one primary job - flex and extend. If it is forced to excessively rotate or laterally bend because of hip or foot dysfunction, that is when we see knee pain.

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