Posts tagged pain
Just Start / "Walk Slowly - But Never Backwards"

Remember back in high school or college when you’d have to write a paper for an assignment? Even if it was just 500 words, starting the paper was always the hardest. I’m not alone in that feeling, right?
It’s interesting, because the same issue is often felt with any intimidating or daunting task we need or want to pursue in life.

But when it comes to ACTION, we generally falter after a few good college tries. This is the difference between motion and action.
Motions are strategizing, planning, and learning. And at the end of the day it doesn’t matter how much you do any of those things - they don’t produce results. Action on the other hand is what delivers an outcome.

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Protocols vs. Concepts / When to follow the recipe

We all have that one dish that our mom or grandmother has made for years, right? Yet they rarely follow the recipe and yet it always turns out the same - delicious. How does that happen?!

Well, it’s because they understand that the concepts often outweigh the protocols.

The same goes with rehab and treatment. Protocol based care only gets us so far.

What do we do when someone is progressing faster than expected?
What about when someone isn’t progressing fast enough?
Or what do we do when that person is actually falling behind instead of progressing at all?!

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Identity Crisis / Fear & Vulnerability

None of us are impervious to injury. Not a single one.

Life happens.

For some, it’s because we allowed ourselves to be de-conditioned or on the flip side over-worked something.

For others, it’s an out-of-the-wild-blue-yonder kind of injury. One we didn’t see coming and perhaps couldn’t stop from happening even if we tried.

Regardless of how it came to be - an injury or issue can royally mess with your psyche of identity. Who you are at your core. The social relationships, interactions, and overall lifestyle that are important to you. All of it gets altered and we lose our sense of control.

That’s a scary place.

Smart people in the realm of Pain Science Literature call this the BioPsychoSocial Approach.

Let’s use the case of someone who herniated a lumbar disc for sake of example to explain how this approach can be defined.

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Could an MRI for Low Back Pain actually HURT us more?!

Research has proposed that if an individual with low back pain gets diagnostic imaging (such as MRI) without any explanation of normal vs. abnormal findings FIRST - their perceived outcome of recovery is drastically diminished.

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"I don't believe in Chiropractic.." // Frequently Asked Question (or statement in this case!)

We hear this all the time! And from both sides - those who ‘believe’ and those who don’t!

First of all, Chiropractic isn’t a religion or a faith - it’s not based off of a ‘belief’ system. Rather, the profession is described as a ‘science and an art.’ A form of medicine that is drug free and non-invasive for common musculoskeletal issues like joint pain, headaches, and overall discomfort that everyone experiences at some point in their life.

With that being said I’d rather have you understand Chiropractic compared to "‘believe in it.’

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Your Time is Valuable - How investing more time on your health actually SAVES you time

Invest your time wisely. Prioritize your health. I’d rather see you for a longer duration of time once a week or once every couple weeks compared to 5 minute visits three times per week.End result? You get better. Fast. Oh, and you save time driving to and from the clinic! More time to enjoy your life!

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