Posts tagged flexibility
Could an MRI for Low Back Pain actually HURT us more?!

Research has proposed that if an individual with low back pain gets diagnostic imaging (such as MRI) without any explanation of normal vs. abnormal findings FIRST - their perceived outcome of recovery is drastically diminished.

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HalloWEEK in Beautiful Excelsior Minnesota!

With fall apparently already in our rear-view mirror and winter already upon us, it’s an important reminder to stay active even as the colder weather hits us. A few quick ideas to keep moving are..

  1. Set a timer on your phone to get up every hour and do 5-10 squats or lunges. You’d be surprised how many this will add up to every day for a week!

  2. While the coffee is brewing in the morning, take a few minutes to breathe through your diaphragm and deep core consciously.

  3. It’s still nice enough for a walk! Even if that means in your living room. Get up and walk/march/skip - it’s a fun activity to include the kids too!

  4. If you have to shovel that beloved snow.. remember to take mini breaks and make it a fun workout. Try to work as hard as you can for 1 minute and then take 2 minutes off as ‘rest.’ Rinse and repeat for time!

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Your Time is Valuable - How investing more time on your health actually SAVES you time

Invest your time wisely. Prioritize your health. I’d rather see you for a longer duration of time once a week or once every couple weeks compared to 5 minute visits three times per week.End result? You get better. Fast. Oh, and you save time driving to and from the clinic! More time to enjoy your life!

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Dumbest Joint in the Body

The knee has one primary job - flex and extend. If it is forced to excessively rotate or laterally bend because of hip or foot dysfunction, that is when we see knee pain.

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Gait Assessment // Not just for Marathoners!

Walking should be one of the easiest things we do.

If we expand that to looking at a running gait - not much should change.

What I mean is that running is literally straight forward. We shouldn’t see your foot, knee, hip, or body sway much left or right. Figuring out why you might sway or compensate is exactly why we do gait assessments! It’s easy to sit there and say “your left foot overpronates in your stance phase” - but why? Why does it do that? Is it the foot’s fault or the hips?

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