Posts in Hip Pain
Running Warm-Up / Three Key Exercises to Get Ready!

“Does a Lion warm up before it chases down a Gazelle?!”

No, it doesn’t. But you’re not a Lion. You’re a middle aged corporate worker who just sat on their butt for the last 8-10 hours and now you’re going to do a complete 180 and go be an athlete.

Yeah, it’s a good idea to do a quick, targeted, warm up!

A good running warm up is always important to make sure that your body is primed for the workload you’ll be placing on it. Warm ups aren’t just stretching. They include actively prepping the muscles and tissues that will be worked according to the exercise you’re about to embark upon. For running, this should include exercises which get the feet, knees, glutes, and low back ready.

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Sports Chiropractic & Rehab for Hip Pain

Merely focusing our movement patterns on flexion and extension based habits like walking and sitting to standing may lead to completely ignoring the internal and external rotators of the hip as well as the Ab/Adductors. Furthermore, with our more sedentary lifestyle in general, the patterns we utilize to access our flexion and extension can lead to inhibited Gluteal Muscles and over-dominant or ‘taught’ feeling Quadriceps Muscles. These imbalances are what we attribute as a cause to a lot of chronic Hip Pains we see clinically.

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Hip Pain keeping you from playing/living/moving?!

Ever pulled your groin so badly it hurt to walk? Have hip tightness that makes it difficult to do the things you love?

Adductor strains occur mainly due to cutting and pivoting movements in sports like hockey and football. Many people think that the strain or pull comes from lacking flexibility, but it is heavily due to the opposite! Strength (or lack thereof) is often the issue!

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